Enrolment Options at Mission Online School
Enrolling a child into an Online Learning home education program, like Mission Online School is different than registering a child for Homeschooling in British Columbia. Understanding the difference between Online Learning (also known as Home Learning and Online Learning or Virtual Learning) and Homeschooling is important prior to completing the enrolment process please find below an outline of the differences between Online Learning and Homeschooling.
For even more information about the differences between enrolling and registering, please visit the BC Ministry of Education website. And as always, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Online Learning
Online Learning programs:
Are directed and supervised by a British Columbia certified teacher (with involvement from parents and guardians)
Meet provincial standards using BC Curriculum
Provide the educational program, BC Curriculum and learning resources
Provide ongoing assessment of students, and issue report cards
Lead to a British Columbia Dogwood graduation diploma
Homeschooling Option
Homeschooling is an alternative method of teaching offered outside the BC Education System, typically a family delivers the entire educational program at home.
Homeschooling programs are:
Not supervised by a BC certified teacher
Not required to meet provincial standards
Not inspected by the BC Ministry of Education
Parents should consider that Homeschooling comes with great responsibility - choosing this option means parents must provide and supervise their childs entire educational program including curriculum and materials.
Homeschoolers are not eligible to receive a British Colombia Dogwood Certificate.
The Enrolment Process
In order to initiate enrolment at Mission Online, the following documents need to be completed, signed and returned to our office:
- Enrolment Package
- Proof of Age (copies one of the following):
- Birth Certificate
- Passport
- Driver's Licence (19 and older ONLY)
- Permanent Resident Card
- Aboriginal Status Card (front and back)
- Certificate of Citizenship
- Immigration Canada Document
- Proof of Residency in Mission, BC ( copies one of the following):
- Parent's Care Card (or student's if 19 and older)
- Parent's BC Services Card (photo version only) (or student's if 19 and older)
- Parent's Driver's Licence (or student's if 19 and older)
- Municipal Tax Bill
- Rental Agreement
- Utility Bill
Please note that as per New Ministry of Education policies students enrolling at Mission Online School must reside in the Mission School District.
Please contact us if you have any further questions!